I have come a long way to be who I am today and to confidently share my wisdom, insight, creative vision and personal advice.

This season of my life I spend my time helping individuals who want to invest in themselves, their self-development and helping them with strategies to cope in life all the way to helping their business thrive for better visibility. For business owners who need a relationship manager, I am good at resolving conflict between staff, all the way to building a business’ brand through story and design thinking. My innovative concepts teaches one or their team to step out of their comfort zone, so you can find your purpose and become whole.

This season of my life I am opening my services to individuals who want coaching calls and a personal spiritual wisdom to help them with life’s greatest battles: depression, personal trauma, insecurity and so much more.

I will help you on how to go through some of life’s difficult challenges alone just as I have, I will share personal tips on self-development, self-care, personal strategies and improvements I have made and give you step by step guides on how to get your confidence and inner healing back, so you can face the world again.

The sad truth is I had no one to help me but the greatest gift is I can share personal tips that have helped me successfully and it is a joy to share what I have learned to make the path of self-development a little easier for you and my group community online, too. This does not mean you will not be putting in the inner work and self reflection, it does not mean the path of self-improvement and change will be easier. No you will still have to show up for yourself, heal your health and strive for your inner wealth.

No one can walk the road for you, this is a personal journey and along the way you will meat a Honey to guide you…

This is what I offer:

  1.  A 3 Weeks Intense Beta SELF-Improvement course called ” Ugly Ducklings Turn into Swans” this is designed for personal faith, growth, resilience challenge, seeking your divine potential, healing from trauma, past experiences and finding confidence to re-introduce yourself back to the world; I will have weekly calls with you and personally give you challenges to complete every week. If you need this for you, click here to get started.
  2. If you want a slow paced stretched 12 Month Self-development Swan Subscription fee with monthly challenges and weekly calls then this is for you, click here to get started.
  3. If you want to just speak to a Honey and seek personal advice on anything in your life then this Swan Hourly call link is for you, call a honey to get started
Otherwise you are welcome to join my online private facebook community page click her to join.
I’ll speak to you soon. 
Honey Bee
Business Thinker
Art Direction
Heritage thinker